Hello friends ,
This is my first post regarding weebly - A professional Web/Blog platform ,Here i am giving a small tutorial that which illustrate how to integrate facebook comments system to weebly .

I'm gonna show you how to easily setup a handy program in C#. What it will be doing is allow you to write HTML and show you the site as you write it ( real time ). It's surprisingly easy to do.

This is an effort to consolidate some of the technical shortforms that we come accross. Almost all these terms are related to project management and other terms related to software industry.

#include //Credits,License etc.....
#INCLUDE //LoveTest Header File
#include //Girls Header File
SET DiL.GodMode =true ;                           //Explanation needed ,it will be given TECHNICALLY when a QUERRY comes..
#Define  DiL.NewLover Girls.NewGirl           //Defining a new Lover
Public LoveTest ()             // Initiating LoveTest
Int CurLoveListInt ;                       // Getting Current LoverGirls Count in Intiger
Girls.Girl newLoverGirl = new DiL.LoverGirl();                                   //Creating a Lover Girl object ,